Friends' News
Dear Friends
Welcome to our first digital Newsletter. It is little later than we intended to send it out, but it has been something of a learning curve to produce it. The newsletter is attached as a PDF fIle, so you should not have any problems with opening it. However, if you do experience difficulties, please let us know so that we can address the issue and fix it.
Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Joan ShepleyChairman - The Friends of Petersfield Physic Garden
The newsletter is still also available in printed format.

Newsletter 70 - Spring 2024
The Frrien's newsletter has been printed and is now being prepared for dispatch to all the Friends.It is acompaied by an invitation to the AGM on Saturday June 8th followed by a Social Evening if weather permits in the Garden.
There is also enclosed a renewal of membership form which Friends are requested to complete in order to ensure our records are up to date. This asks where possible for an email address and whether an electronic Newsletter would be acceptable.
Newsletter Number 69

The autumn newsletter has now been published and has been dispatched to all Friends. It opens with a report from the Chairman, Joan Shepley this is followeed by Garden Matters written by the new head gardener John Wade-Palmer. Nellie Badgerson is back in thoughtful mood and also an invitation to visit Brede Manor with an accompaning map.
Friends are also advised of the shape of things to come. With Sarah Harris releaving Daphne Clark as Membership Secretary subscription procedures are to be updated and a renewal form for all members to complete will be sent out with the March newsletter. This will ensure that membership records are fully accurate.

Introducing the new Committee
Our Annual General Meeting took place on 7 July 2023 and we now have a new committee, made up of some already serving members and now some new members.The committee members are now as follows:
Joan Shepley – Chairman
Beverley Kent – Vice ChairmanDaphne Clark – Treasurer
Committee Members:
Rosemary Clark
Mike WadeyPhilip Dawson
John Wade Palmer
Pauline Elkins
Susan Richardson
Sarah Harris
Pauline Elkins
Susan Richardson
Sarah Harris
Geraint Llewelyn
Sarah Harris has now resigned from the committee